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Malware Repair
   & Prevention


Seda Consulting Services can help protect your computer(s) by utilizing industry proven antivirus and anti-malware software designed to help detect and quarantine or remove malware, as it runs in the background during normal system use. It can also provide an additional layer of protection against other types of cyber threats.


Malware (malicious software) is a program or code created to cause intentional harm to computers, public or private networks, or servers. It is typically designed to discreetly infiltrate a computer system in order to invisibly gain unlawful access, which may then allow for the breaching, copying or destruction of private or sensitive data.


There are many different variations of malware. Below is a listing of the more prevalent types of malware one may be likely to encounter:


  • Ransomware - Disables victim's access to data until ransom is paid.

  • Fileless Malware - Makes changes to files that are native to the operating system.

  • Spyware - Collects user activity data without their knowledge.

  • Adware - Serves unwanted advertisements.

  • Trojans - Disguises itself as desirable code.

  • Worms - Spreads through a network by replicating itself.

  • Rootkits - Gives hackers remote control of a victim's device.

  • Keyloggers - Monitors users' keystrokes.

  • Bots - Launches a broad flood of attacks.

  • Mobile Malware - Infects mobile devices.

  • Wiper Malware - A wiper is a type of malware with a single purpose: to erase user data beyond recoverability.


In-depth information regarding the many types of malware, including explanations of how they work and the negative payloads associated with each, is available online on the Crowdstrike Cypersecurity 101 web page, as well as other cybersecurity websites.

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